Go viral with Google AI search errors: Glue pizza and eat rocks

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Go viral with Google AI search errors: Glue pizza and eat rocks

Google's experimental AI Overviews feature has been under fire for delivering some bizarre and inaccurate responses, prompting public criticism and social media mockery. Despite Google's defense that these incidents are isolated and not reflective of the overall performance, these errors have raised concerns about the reliability of AI-generated search results.

Key Issues with AI Overviews

  1. Bizarre Recommendations:

    • Non-toxic Glue on Pizza: One notable error was an AI-generated suggestion to use "non-toxic glue" to make cheese stick better to pizza.
    • Eating Rocks: Another response recommended humans eat one rock per day, attributing this advice to geologists.
  2. Misinformation:

    • Gasoline for Cooking: An AI response incorrectly suggested that gasoline could be used to make a spicy spaghetti dish, illustrating a dangerous misinformation example.
  3. Source of Errors:

    • Many of these inaccurate responses seem to be drawn from dubious sources, including satirical sites like The Onion and random Reddit comments.

Google's Response

Google has acknowledged the issues, attributing them to "uncommon queries" and stressing that the majority of AI overviews provide high-quality information. The company has stated it is refining its systems and taking action where policy violations are identified. Despite these reassurances, the trust in AI-generated search results remains fragile, especially given Google's dominant position in the global search engine market.

Broader Context

The challenges faced by Google are not unique; other tech giants like Microsoft and OpenAI have also encountered backlash for similar AI-related issues. Microsoft's announcement of a feature that would take continuous screenshots of online activity has raised privacy concerns, while OpenAI faced criticism from actress Scarlett Johansson for using a voice similar to hers without consent.

Importance of Trust in AI

The appeal of AI-driven search features lies in their potential to streamline information retrieval, offering concise, definitive answers. However, this efficiency is only beneficial if the information provided is accurate and trustworthy. The so-called "hallucinations" by generative AI tools highlight the need for robust safeguards and constant improvements to ensure reliability.


Google's AI Overviews have demonstrated both the promise and pitfalls of integrating AI into search engines. While these tools can significantly enhance user experience by reducing the need to sift through multiple search results, ensuring the accuracy and safety of the information provided is paramount. The scrutiny faced by Google and its peers underscores the critical balance between innovation and responsibility in the deployment of AI technologies.

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